About The Authors
Vladimir I. Volman received his MS, Ph. D, and Doctor Sc. at Moscow Institute of Communications (MIC), from 1992 Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI), in 1960, 1965, and 1975, respectively. He joined the faculty of MIC in 1960 where he served sequentially as Assistant Professor, Docent (adjunct professor), Full Professor, and Chairs of Antenna and Propagation Department for 30 years. He was the youngest Dr. Sc. and Full Professor of MIC at the moment of getting his diplomas from Russian Government. Many times the MIC students choose him as the best teacher of electrodynamics. For many years he was a Head of Microwave Laboratory at MIC. His research area and most of publications have centered within the field of design and development of microwave devices including ferrite components, matching networks, computational electrodynamics, and broadband antennas. He is a co-author and editor of several books. One of them “Technical Electrodynamics” is broadly used as a textbook at many Universities and now in its 2nd edition. In 1992 he was invited to work in the USA and involved in development and testing unique antenna for HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). In 1997 he joined Lockheed Martin (LM) Co. as a PMES and Fellow and retired in 2013. During that time he served as an inventor and leading designer of several new types of active antenna arrays with unique characteristics for GPS satellites, Navy radar systems, and proposed methods for their distance testing. Part of his duties was the computer simulation of lightning impact on aircrafts with composite body, and many other projects. He holds 18 US and 8 Russian patents. For last years he cooperated with Prof. James M Tour Group of Rice University in design of new graphene based materials for active and passive de-icing of large antenna, radome, aircraft, and power line structure. Currently, he involves into consulting job through the VolmanFamily LLC and is interested in antennas with advanced steering and scanning features for the 5G platform.
Andrzej Jeziorski received his MS at MIC and Ph.D at Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland in 1977 and 1999, respectively. He has more than 35 years of experience in designing antennas and microwave devices. He is the author and co-author of around 50 publications and one patent. He participated in the projecting and constructing the K-band dual reflector antennas and monopulse antennas based on microstrip technology (L, X, and Ku bands). He developed a method of nonsymmetric dual reflector antennas synthesis. He is the author of multiple Matlab and CST Microwave Studio programs for students studying and specializing in electromagnetic field theory. During a few years, he was a consultant in more than 20 Master’s thesis in the field of antennas at Faculty of Electronics of the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. Currently, he is working in a field of antennas for GSM and WiFi modems as well as small car antennas in VHF and UHF bands. His most particular interest is practical issues related to the optimization of multi-antennas systems (e.g., MIMO systems) and computer-aided design of microwave devices and antennas.
About VolmanFamily LLC
If you need to solve expressly any moderate or challenging antenna problem in realistic time and for reasonable money send the request to VolmanFamily LLC, 11 Caldwell Circle, Newtown, PA 18940,USA or email it to vvolman@emfieldbook.com. Test us!
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